Home & business phone services, with over 2,000 Canadian rate centres
Home & business phone services, with over 10,000 USA rate centres
Remote call forwarding with 2, 3 or 5+ concurrent calls, voicemail and more!
BUZZ'ing the world since 2002!We are your global phone company.
It's voicemail for you... not ducks.
Flat rate local calling from Jail (no more collect calls)
VoIP Much Phone Company is a Grandstream Certified Reseller
700 - 2 Bloor Street WestToronto, ON, M4W 3E2
Canada: +1 (855) 711-8647USA: +1 (844) 711-8647UK: +44 (800) 048-8252Worldwide: +1 (416) 613-8647
VoIP Much - CanadaVoIP Much - USAFollow Me FowardVBuzzer (tm)Duck VoiceJail Call